LaTanya B. I LOVE fashion and art. Outside of work (and sometime during work lol!) this is where my head is. I love anything that can express feeling and emotion whether it be music, poetry, dance, art, books and even fashion which I consider an art in itself. My advice is to do whatever brings peace and joy to your life even if your not doing it for a living. Who knows, things can change:) I hope this blog brings happiness and light. Peace & Love, L.B.


New U.S. Site for

I know I'm at least a few days late but I had to come on here and tell you all how excited I am that has a US site! I have been on this site for years now and I LOVE all of the things that they have on there but I couldn't get over having to pay almost twice as much when you converted the price to US dollars from Euros. Then, on top of that having to pay for shipping overseas. So in the years that I have been perusing the site, I have only placed an order once. Well that will soon change.

With the US site, the prices are not as extreme.... and the shipping is FREE!!!! With that said, this may really become my favorite online store. I'm so excited about this. I almost yell out at work when I saw the email LOL.

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