LaTanya B. I LOVE fashion and art. Outside of work (and sometime during work lol!) this is where my head is. I love anything that can express feeling and emotion whether it be music, poetry, dance, art, books and even fashion which I consider an art in itself. My advice is to do whatever brings peace and joy to your life even if your not doing it for a living. Who knows, things can change:) I hope this blog brings happiness and light. Peace & Love, L.B.


Victory Ford's Wardrobe

After watching the last Project Runway episode where the contestants had to design a garment for Brooke Sheilds to wear on her show Lipstick Jungle, I was surprised that I had not ever heard of this show before. I have no idea how this show could have possibly when over my head. I mean, I know people rarely watch local channels on tv anymore but since it is very fashion oriented I would think I would at least hear a buzz. I even heard about Cashmere Mafia which only a short blip. I didn't even get a chance to catch an episode. Anyway, enough with the grumbling.... lets talk about the clothes.

I decided to take a look at an episode of the show online and ended up watching the whole season in a few hours and I'm hooked. So I have become a very committed viewer to the second season. Not only is the story good, but the clothes...gorgeous!!

First, as you all may have guessed, my favorite character on the show is Victory, played by Lindsay Price, who is a fashion designer trying to pull her company out of a ruff patch. I loooove her. She's so fierce. I mean I would die for her wardrobe. I'm not really into Brooks Sheild's character Wendy's wardrobe, but I love Nico's played by Kim Raver. She has the really power woman wardrobe.

Here are a few peices from Victory Ford's character that I liked.

They say a neutral colored trench coat should be in every girls closet and I think this coat is very chic, expecially with the red belt.

I also liked this party dress that she wore in one of the episodes in the first season.

This one I really liked the most. I don't own anything draped or anything mini. It's something I really would add to my closet and find use for.

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