LaTanya B. I LOVE fashion and art. Outside of work (and sometime during work lol!) this is where my head is. I love anything that can express feeling and emotion whether it be music, poetry, dance, art, books and even fashion which I consider an art in itself. My advice is to do whatever brings peace and joy to your life even if your not doing it for a living. Who knows, things can change:) I hope this blog brings happiness and light. Peace & Love, L.B.


Bringin' in the New Year, Yay!!!

Happy New Year everyone!!!

I am soooo excited about this year and what it has the potential to bring. I know some people who rather not make new years resolutions but me on the other hand....I like to plan ahead. This new year can be whatever you make it and I felt it was the perfect time for me to start posting on Style Addiction blog.

This blog has been a long time in the making as some of you know. I had been back and forth with what I wanted the content to be about. I am a fashion addict and it's what I live and breathe everyday so it only made sense that fashion be one of the topics of this blog. But that isn't all that I am addicted to. Fashion is only an addition to a lifestyle. One can not be without the other. So this year (and so on) I plan to bring different topics and subjects. I encourage questions, suggestions and comments. Email me, I love to chat.

So for my goals this year, here are a few (the original list is pretty long):

1. Be active in the blog sphere
2. Continue building my fashion collection
3. Get more styling gigs
4. Enhance my makeup application skills
5. Spend more time with family
6. Graduate
7. Pay off some bills
8. Become a better cook
9. Plan a trip out of the country for myself

Oh that's not even the half. You have not idea. So look forward to hearing more from me and I wish you all many blessings and adventures in 2009.

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